Self-care 101: 30 ways to nourish your body, mind + spirit

When we think of self-care, we often think about taking a hot bath, getting a massage, or curling up on the couch with a cup of tea and a book. (At least that’s what I often think about!) Those are amazing self-care practices, but it doesn’t end there!
What about committing to drinking more water, going to bed a little earlier, disconnecting from social media or saying no to an invitation that feels overwhelming? Yep, that’s self-care too.
Self-care is personal and it looks different from one person to the next. Self-care shouldn’t be a task that you check off your to-do list. Instead, it’s about tuning in and really listening to what your body, mind and spirit are craving. Self-care is about creating your own personal care routine that fills you up and leaves you feeling nourished so that you can live a life that feels good.
Why is self-care important to living an intentional life?
One of the underlying pillars of living intentionally is living in a way that aligns with your values. So on the surface, the connection between intentional living and self-care might not be super obvious… unless you’ve specifically outlined it as one of your values (in which case, congrats! I’m right there with you!)
But even if you haven’t, here’s something to think about…
Have you ever noticed how people who seem happy and full of energy also tend to be helpful and kind? Maybe you’ve even noticed this for yourself. When you feel great, you share that happy energy with everyone around you. You’re kinder to your friends and family and strangers too. You don’t get frustrated as easily by little annoyances that happen throughout the day.
When you’re feeling unhappy or overwhelmed, the opposite is true. Even the smallest things can set you off or make you want to curl up in bed for the rest of the day. You feel annoyed when people ask you for a favor or when things don’t work out as planned.
The connection between self-care and intentional living
Are you seeing the connection now? When you’re taking good care of yourself, and you feel good, you’re more likely to make the choices that align with your values. You’re going to feel better about the choices you make on a daily basis, causing you to feel more fulfilled and content.
You may have some values that are really important to you that involve family, friends or your community, and that’s great! But you also need to ensure that you’re filling your own cup so that you have energy to give to what matters.
Because in case no one has told you lately, you matter! If you want to participate fully in your life, you need to be well nourished—body, mind and spirit.
Finding what brings you joy, comfort, and relief is a big part of feeling nourished. The people, experiences, foods and movements that make you feel good are the ones that fill you up and replenish your energy. This is what self-care is all about.
As I mentioned earlier, sometimes when we think about self-care, we think about days at the spa or getting a massage. Those are great, especially if they feel nourishing to you. But self-care is about much more than pampering. It’s about giving our body, mind and spirit what they truly need. (Which means we have to get quiet and listen!)
What does self-care look like for you?
To create your own self-care routine, you need to identify what brings you joy and comfort, as well as what helps you to relax and unwind. In other words, what makes you feel good from the inside out?

Here are three questions to get you started:
1- How can I nourish my body?
What foods, movements and experiences (including rest) make my body feel good?
2- How can I nourish my mind?
How can I appreciate or enrich my mind? How can I unplug and give my mind time to rest?
3- How can I nourish my spirit?
How can I feel more connected to my spirit? What experiences bring me joy?
These questions will help you identify some key self-care ideas that will leave you feeling nourished. Take some time to jot down your ideas and think about how you might be able to incorporate some of them into your day or week.
Another idea is to do a bit of an experiment for the next week and pay attention to how you feel as you go about your day. Notice which experiences throughout the week leave you feeling nourished vs which ones leave you feeling drained. Make note of your findings and see if you can add more of the nourishing experiences into your schedule (and remove some of the not-so-nourishing ones if you can!)
30 ideas for self-care that will nourish your body, mind and spirit
To help you do a little brainstorming, I’ve put together 30 ways that you can nourish your body, mind and spirit. Feel free to use the ones that resonate in your own self-care routine, or come up with your own!
- Get more sleep. Who isn’t sleep deprived these days? Commit to going to bed a little earlier, or working on getting more restful sleep.
- Drink more water. You know you should be drinking 8-10 glasses a day… but are you? Try committing to drinking a glass of water first thing when you wake up so that you start your day hydrated!
- Stretch your body. Most of us tend to focus on getting our exercise in, but we often neglect how good some simple stretches can make us feel! If you carry stress and tension in your neck and shoulders like I do, try this yoga stretch routine by Sarah Beth Yoga.
- Eat more veggies. Keep it simple: add a salad to your meal or some raw veggies and dip.
- Drink healing tea. There are so many great teas out there that can help digestion or reduce inflammation. And they taste good too! My personal fave is this one.
- Listen to an inspirational podcast. I’m currently loving the Somatic Healing Meditations podcast by Hello Inner Light.
- Get outside. There’s nothing like fresh air to leave you feeling inspired and replenished! Apparently there’s actually a name for it too. “Forest bathing” is a trend that originated in Japan based on research that showed that being around trees and breathing in their essential oils, called phytoncides, helped to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
- Breathe Deep. Take small breaks throughout the day for some deep belly breathing or try box breathing (breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, breathe out for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts.)
- Write it out. Journaling is amazing for mental health and can help manage anxiety by getting your thoughts out of your head and on to paper.
- Cross something off your to-do list. A massive to-do list can feel super overwhelming. Give yourself a win by completing a small task that you’ve been putting off. Or better yet, have a good look at your list to see if maybe there’s a few items on there that actually aren’t that important. Cross one off and let it go!
- Take 3! Take a quick break and listen to a 3 Minute Meditation. It’s amazing what 3 minutes can do!
- Try something new. What have you been thinking about trying, but putting off? A new restaurant or recipe? An art class? A new yoga studio? Your desires matter, so make them a priority!
- Dance. Play your favorite song and dance it out! (If you’re a mom, this is perfect for when your kids are driving you crazy too. Ask them to join in!)
- Get a haircut. Taking care of your appearance isn’t vain, it makes you feel good and boosts your confidence!
- Take a nap. Listen to your body and rest when it’s needed.
- Laugh. Get together with some friends or watch your favorite funny movie. Laughter is the best medicine, right?
- Unplug from social media. Ugh. This one can be so hard! Start with even an hour free from your phone. Or commit to staying away from any comments on social media…they are the most toxic and no one needs that in their lives!
- Go for a massage. Everyone loves a massage. If you can’t afford to visit a massage clinic, ask a friend, partner or even your kids!
- Say no. Don’t feel bad about turning down a coffee date you’re not interested in, or volunteer duties that you really don’t have time for. You can’t help anyone if you’re depleted, so learn to put your needs first.
- Say yes. Sometimes it’s fear holding us back, not a lack of time in our schedules. Be honest with yourself and let your heart tell you if it’s a no or a yes.
- Call or text a friend. Friendships are good for the soul, but we have to make time for them.
- Forgive. Forgive someone who has hurt you. Forgive yourself for hurting someone else or making a mistake. Forgiving doesn’t mean making something ok. Instead, it’s about moving through and releasing the emotions associated with the experience. (A trusted friend or therapist can help with this!)
- Visualize your ideal life. Part of living an intentional life is knowing what’s important to you and tuning in to your desires. Grab your journal and work your way through these questions to get started.
- Make a decision. Unmade decisions can weigh you down. Tune in to your heart and make a decision that feels true to you.
- Choose an affirmation. Write out a daily affirmation for yourself and post it where you’ll see it every day. Repeat it to yourself in the morning and before you go to sleep.
- Clear some clutter. Clutter can feel so overwhelming. Recycle the stack of papers that haven’t moved from your dining table in months. Give away 3 outfits that don’t fit or don’t make you feel amazing. Donate the extra set of dishes you never use. The extra space will feel amazing!
- Practice gratitude. You probably have a lot more to be thankful for than you realize. Nourish your spirit with a daily gratitude journal. (Or try my daily journal!)
- Daydream. Give yourself space to let your imagination flow. You don’t have to always be productive. Creativity, play and imagination are important for nourishing your spirit.
- Have a tough conversation. Get something that’s been weighing on your mind out into the open. If you’re not ready to have a conversation about it, write it out in your journal.
- Trust yourself. More important than anything else on this list: go within and trust your inner voice. Your intuition will always guide you towards what you need. Learning to hear your intuition and following its guidance is probably the most important aspect to feeling nourished inside and out and truly loving your life.
There are so many ways to show yourself love and care. You’ll know what’s best for you – so always trust your own inner wise self!
Just one final note: it’s important to remember that self-care isn’t meant to be another item that you need to check off your to-do list. The whole point of including self-care into your daily or weekly routine is to make you feel good, refreshed and replenished. Choose activities and experiences that bring you joy and fill you with energy, rather than ones that leave you depleted and overwhelmed.
Approach self-care with curiosity and lightheartedness. Don’t be afraid to have a little fun while finding what feels good to you!